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What is Ayurveda?

A distinctly identifiable Hindu medical tradition, the Ayurvedic, exists both in theory and in practice, stretching back two millennia over all of India. The theory is inseparably intertwined with the theological and liturgical discourses of the time.


​Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology, constitution for body and mind, diagnosis, nutrition, herbs, aromas, yoga, Ayurvedic psychology, spiritual methods and much more. Please enjoy these teachings.

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Intro to Ayurveda 3 part workshop

Intro to Ayurveda 3 part workshop

Ayur means "life" & Veda "knowledge"  Ayurveda emerged from the theoretical texts of India called the Vedas, or Books of Wisdom.  Ayurveda teaches us how to live in harmony with nature and how to recognize the power of self-healing from within.  Health is looked at as not just physical health but emotional, social and universal.
The Five Basics Elements in Nature also exist in our own bodies, Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether (Space)  and the Doshas derive from these Five Elements.  The Doshas are biological energies found throughout the human body and mind.  "They govern all physical & mental processes and provide every living being with an individual blueprint for heath & fulfillment."  ~Eat, Taste, Heal

Advance Ayurveda Workshops

Advance Ayurveda Workshops

Open Space Yoga is VERY excited to announce Mary Bastien will be teaching Dr. David Frawley’s American Institute of vedic Studies ‘ Ayurvedic 500 hours Course. A joint certification from Open Space Yoga and Dr. David Frawley's American Institute of Vedic Studies. This comprehensive program outlines the main aspects of Ayurvedic theory, diagnosis and practice via the study of Ayurvedic anatomy and psychology, Ayurvedic herbs, diet and life-style, Ayurvedic purification and rejuvenation and the advanced practices of Ayurveda yoga asana, pranamaya, mantra and meditation. If you are looking to become a certified Ayurvedic Life-Style Consultant, this is your chance to complete the course here in Hawaii.

Mailing Address PO Box 550 Waialua HI 96791
808 232 8851


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